Sacred Service

Unity Bay Area Houston Sacred Service Teams and Committees*


Ladies' Group 

Meets on the first Monday of the month, from 5:30 to 8:30 pm, at a hosted private home.  Participants bring a covered dish and share fellowship and fun.  Please check monthly for location changes.


Bookstore Team 

Ryan Ruffaner, Team Leader ~ Staffing our bookstore on Sunday mornings.


Building & Grounds Team 

Sara Thompson, Team Leader ~ Living Sanctuary Care.


Chaplain Team 

Rev. Kirti Cesaratto, Team Leader ~ Praying with individuals after the church services and during monthly telephone wellness calls.


Welcoming Team 

Domingo dePara, Team Leader ~ Greeting and ushering for church services, and making sure everyone has a nametag.


*Teams represent ongoing service, committees are formed to fill a specific need and disband at the completion of that project.